He graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice in 2013. During his studies he also attended courses in University of Perugia – Department of Veterinary Medicine Ospedale Veterinario Universitario didattico, Italy and Veterinary clinic for small animals Connecticut, USA. In 2014 Veterinary practice for Kleintiere Blendivet, Hundesamenbank Blendivet, Germany. Member of EVSSAR (European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction), Veterinary Reproduction Service, Cambridge, UK. He is Doctoral Student of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice. He is a reproductive physician. He specializes in gynecology, andrology, neonatology and artificial insemination, collection, processing and storage of seeds (cooling, freezing). A substantial part of his job consists of internal medicine for dogs and cats and soft tissue surgery. At the clinic, he runs a gynecology department and an international sperm bank.